Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Why Double Standards??

If I am not erroneous aren’t the laws identic for everyone?

In an abstract democratic system every citizen has been given some civic rights, be it the Right to vote, Right to propagation & practice of religion, Right to expression of thoughts, Right to speech and many other basic rights. Every democratic country in this world is bound to dispense these foundational rights to the citizens of their countries; moreover a citizen has a indubitable right to tug for acquiring these basic rights and that will be a justified fight and no one can traverse or annihilate this fight. These basic rights we can say are the preeminent building blocks of any democratic state and the society/state lacking them is not worth to be called as democratic society/state at all.

In the present times if we analyze that currently only those societies of the world are robust on ground that are in forefront in providing these basic rights to their citizens and those who are indisposed in this sphere and are depriving their citizens of these rights surely face the brute civil rebellion in most of the cases during the passage of time, the recent Arab spring is a good paradigm in front of us in which people came out on streets demanding their basal rights which were forcibly snapped from them by the rulers (dictators) of the times. The blazes of this rebellion still continues in the some countries in the Middle East and perhaps it will continue till the justice is dispensed to them and the dictators are thrown out.

Back home taking the example of J&K state here we are also enjoying the basic rights but only some conditions apply while you want to demand your right, if I am not wrong…!  Just taking the example of media working  in Kashmir, at the most of the times we see the journalists while covering any sort of protests (political or apolitical) especially in the valley face the thwart of state forces and hence put a big question mark on the independence of media as procreated by the state. As in any democratic state the independence of media (Azaadi-e-Sahafat) is the main building block for its existence and here in Kashmir its existence is thus in peril. Irony is that we oft came to know that the security personals have barred the journalists from performing their professional duties and most of the times lambaste them harshly. And unfortunately face no action from the concerned authorities. This is the situation only in the valley; does rest of the states of India affront this? No. why only we? Why these dual standards? Recently on Friday 17-08-2012   in Jaipur a police personal was suspended by the authorities (News item carried in “Times of India” Saturday 18-08-2012) and do you know the antecedent? The reason was that the cop has beaten a journo while he was covering a protest rally of the university students. Ok fine this is what a democratic system demands from you, proper action and timely justice. What this cop has done was totally undemocratic and unethical where the proper action against the cop was necessary, but what happens to this democratic system when it comes to dispense justice and act timely here in Kashmir? Why it dwindle to dispense the justice?  As I already said that these foundational rights are the building blocks for the existence of any democratic state and the dearth of anyone among these can make this building of democracy to crumple anytime. That fold up can be in the form of rebellion against the rulers.

Many such cases are there in which guilty has not been chastised and thus the justice was not delivered. We heed exceptionally about the enquiries but on ground these enquiries bear no fruits and thus delaying the justice and it has been decorously said that “Justice delayed is Justice denied”. This saying only suits for Kashmir as in the rest of India a desirable action was being taken against the guilty and the justice was being dispensed to some extend but why not in Kashmir?  Why are we being victimized? Why these dual standards?

Due to all this, there happens to have amplify a sensibility of trust defalcation in hearts and the minds of common Kashmir masses. People are averse when it comes to develop a contingence with the functioning of democratic system & that’s the natural reaction. As said “to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”, same is the situation rampant in the valley. In action the democratic system has failed to deliver and in the reaction people have fed up and perhaps have no farther expectations from the system. This reaction can also opt for a radical reaction as that of the Middle East, where people extirpated the system which failed to deliver amply.

So to prevent this building of democratic system from getting collapse there is a clamant need to dispense the apt justice from every front of the state machinery to people living in the system and let the people of the system exercise their basic fundamental rights. No one (any element of the system) should be allowed to prevent the citizens from demanding their basic rights and nobody should be permitted to quench the voices in any form which demand their rights in a proper civilized way.

These points which I have insinuated are veritably momentous for an ideal democratic system and if the system has to thrive it has to act upon these points made above and most significant thing is that there should be nothing like “Double Standards” in any democratic system as its mien make this system delicate and obnoxious to rebellions, so this menace has to end if there is any value for the democratic system in India or elsewhere in the world, because in my opinion this menace of  “Double Standards” make a flourished system feeble and in longer time it transmogrify that effectual delivering system into an ineffectual one and hence the environment turns to be hostilo’ & susceptible to ‘rebellion’ and thus the real meaning of the democratic system is lost in the air…..

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